we seem to be getting a fair amount of scam reports through at the moment

please remember the rules of not doing trades outside the official routes is there to protect YOU

Admin and us as mods cannot get things back to you and by agreeing to trades such as i'll give you x item and y horse for your horse called z it puts both players in the wrong. the scammer for doing the scamming, the scammed player for going into the trade

Unfortunately in this world not everyone is honest and we do not like seeing these things happen

so to summarise
horse trades... don't do them
item trades.... use the item exchanges

don't trade horses for anything other than passes and equus.
this is for your own protection, while we do sypathise things happen if things are done how you are advised to scamming won't happen.

if someone offers you a trade please remind them that it's not allowed or send through as a pm report for us to deal with
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By Retired breeder, 13th September 2015 18:39:23
Retired breeder wrote:

Reminds me of people saying they will take your horse and skill it and in 10 days sell it back to you. default smiley xd Like really. You may as well start your opening paragraph with 'THIS IS MAYBE/NOT A SCAM' default smiley xd
i do that on US. I sell it back, make a couple of passes
By Retired breeder, 17th September 2015 02:18:16
There is a perfectly easy way to make it safe to trade horses for items, items for passes, etc. But, everyone seems set on never making it a part of Howrse. Dont say "you can't do it because it is against Howrse rules." I am saying if Howrse set it up so you can. People would be able to do trades and no one would be complaining about losing stuff (because obviously people trade now and still complain no matter how much you tell them).

I have traded before, multiple times, and I was never scammed, nor did I scam. And I dont think I ever even heard of it being bad until recently. I believe if you think about it and dont make an "out of this world" deal, you wouldnt be scammed. Simple, really. And if you were scammed, that is your problem and I wouldnt have even complained to a mod because I did the trade and they didn't.
By Retired breeder, 17th September 2015 09:40:52
Trading horses for horses could actually be an interesting addition to the game! While I can't see trading items for horses ever becoming something that would happen, a trading system just for horses seems like it could be a doable thing! In the meantime though, we've still gotta respect the rules currently in place to protect us and avoid trading horses at all.
By Retired breeder, 17th September 2015 19:10:22
I think that they should add something like maybe a trade for passes and ways like bin items for passes or as KickingPixies said trading a horse for a horse but of course a few people spoil the community by scamingdefault smiley (n)default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 17th September 2015 19:11:05
*bmi not bin items
By Retired breeder, 17th September 2015 20:28:55
Retired breeder wrote:

bin items for passes

*cough* loss of profit *cough* Trafficking
By Retired breeder, 18th September 2015 00:00:17
Retired breeder wrote:

*cough* Trafficking

*cough* It wouldn't be trafficking if it was provided in the game. Which is what they said.

Retired breeder wrote:

I think that they should add something

What is pass or item trafficking?

It's simply performing a transaction outside of the available settings and systems offered directly by the game.

The game includes secure areas for transactions such as the item exchange, Sales, the Black Market and the Store etc..These tools provide a safe method for your transactions.

The game provides these tools and the rules surround the game.
By Retired breeder, 18th September 2015 08:05:59
Even if it wouldn't be trafficking, introducing passes into the BMI exchange system would be incredibly pointless. If you have enough passes to buy a certain BMI, then you can literally buy them from the black market. It could be useful for items that aren't available in the store anymore, but thw majority of those weren't available from the black market in the first place, so it's impossible to know how much they're actually worth in passes, which would just end up leading to people who are unsure putting items up at ridiculously low prices and being dissapointed when they find out that their rare and no-longer-obtainable item was worth a lot morethanthey thought or were told by the person they sold it to.
By Retired breeder, 19th September 2015 04:16:15
scamming is not good. its bad.
By Retired breeder, 19th September 2015 09:41:30
Yes. That's the point of this entire topic.
By Retired breeder, 26th September 2015 17:59:28
I would be amazing if there would be a system with Item for Item (what we have now) - Item for Horse/Horse for Item or/and Horse for Horse! (:
By Retired breeder, 26th September 2015 17:59:52
I = It. I meant It.
By Retired breeder, 29th September 2015 06:03:08
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 29th September 2015 15:22:04
Yes that would be good if that was set up so you could do trades without being scammed but horwse would never do that becuase they'd lose out on pasess and they need to make profit as a company default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 6th October 2015 01:05:51
Thank you for putting this up! default smiley :) I personally haven't been scammed because I learned from friends not to trade privately.
By Retired breeder, 7th October 2015 12:08:28
Retired breeder wrote:

I think that they should add something like maybe a trade for passes and ways like bin items for passes or as KickingPixies said trading a horse for a horse but of course a few people spoil the community by scamingdefault smiley (n)default smiley :'(
yeah if we could cos I and many other non pass buyers can only get 1 pass a monthdefault smiley :'( and I don't have any horses to sell for passes ie no ga/rga horses except one which my friend pot tormentas stuff ondefault smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 7th October 2015 15:11:37
It is possible for you non - pass buyers to get 10 passes by buying pass horses, Oluf you can buy a pass on your 50 day and after that every 30 day. So that should give a good 11 passes a month roughly
By Retired breeder, 7th October 2015 15:18:09
* you not Oluf
By Retired breeder, 7th October 2015 15:23:27
I Agree , I'm Sick of scams like trading horses I normally trust that. But since the whole community has KINDA changed. The scams become more frequent ~xArianax
I used to pay for my VIP account by selling MAs for passes. After this rule began to be enforced, I left this server. Too hard to make passes on this server. Pass horses are a new scam as well - last time I checked they cost 270k??? WHAT?! I don`t like this server anymore, this is why. Too expensive. Int. server is much better. my opinion...
And scammers...what happiness do you get by stealing pixel horses??? I don`t understand.
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By Retired breeder, 10th October 2015 21:25:12
AppleOfTheEye wrote:

last time I checked they cost 270k??? WHAT?!

Aint nobody got time or equus for dat.
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2015 12:34:21
@Mamba: That made me laugh way more than it should have default smiley (lol)

Best wishes and have a nice day!

Evene default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2015 04:32:36
And also to add to that 270 000e on here they sell pass horses for 200 000+ Equus. Going back to INT where they only cost around 127 000e

By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2015 09:07:35
Guys, we have to consider that this is a much smaller server, so things like pass horses and rare coats are available in much smaller amounts than over in Int., so you should sorta expect things to be more expensive.
But there are much less players, and it should even out. In the good days, pass horses only cost 103000e over here...
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