Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks


You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the Daily Objectives.

Within this thread, players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply, which includes no advertising.

Warm Regards,
The Howrse Team
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i wouldn't do that, PM someone on your friend list out of the blue and ask for something I mean. Can be seen as advertising or begging and may be reported. Put it on your page and congratulate a few of your friends instead. If you have real life friends that play, you could ask them off game. Or maybe make a pact with a few friends that if ever this objective comes up for one of you, you can ask them.
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2020 09:18:22
How can I restore horse's morale? Or better question, how to dial it down first?
Retired breeder wrote:

How can I restore horse's morale? Or better question, how to dial it down first?
You can restore a horse‘s morale by grooming it, giving it mash, giving it something to drink and if another player or you give it an apple. Foals aren‘t usually born with 100% morale and if you age your horse without grooming it, its morale will go down.
German Girl
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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2020 18:17:18
Hi, quick question..
what does it mean by "validate 4 special features" in the objectives?
Apparently i have already done 3 already default smiley (o)
Thanks in advance! x
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi, quick question..
what does it mean by "validate 4 special features" in the objectives?
Apparently i have already done 3 already default smiley (o)
Thanks in advance! x

The four special features are those shown on the progress bar underneath your apprentice breeder objectives: the EC, direct sales, Grand Prix, and reserved sales. You need to have completed the required number of objectives and then click to unlock each feature on the bar.
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2020 14:23:27
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
@Eventer2405 - unfortunately we can’t post things like that on the forums as it’s deemed advertising (just for future reference!)
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By Retired breeder, 24th November 2020 17:09:03
Harley-Quinn wrote:

@Eventer2405 - unfortunately we can’t post things like that on the forums as it’s deemed advertising (just for future reference!)
Harley-Quinn wrote:

@Eventer2405 - unfortunately we can’t post things like that on the forums as it’s deemed advertising (just for future reference!)

Ahh sorry, my bad!
thank you x
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2020 09:41:51
I need to get the colour bonus for my daily objective but I have no 2** saddle cloths, ear bonnets or polo wraps! Any ideas on what I can do?default smiley :odefault smiley :o
Retired breeder wrote:

I need to get the colour bonus for my daily objective but I have no 2** saddle cloths, ear bonnets or polo wraps! Any ideas on what I can do?default smiley :odefault smiley :o

You can get 2* protection tack from events, luck items, watching the reward videos on the pass page, by interacting with certain divines you may own, and as gifts from friends.

Right now from the rider's store event you can get a green and red ear bonnet, green and red western saddle cloth, and green polo wraps which would work as they all share a common colour (green).

You can also just switch the specialty of a horse that already has the colour bonus to complete the objective, try filtering the sales or even your own breeding farms and having a look for a horse with the bonus. Remember that if you don't have the specific VIP perk the horse must be no older than 5 years to switch specialties.
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2020 08:47:44
How does the Grand Prix work? I can only enter two of my horses in it today - as well as Champion, given to me by Emma. I need to enter 4 to complete my apprentice objectives :/
LookingForAlaska wrote:

You can also just switch the specialty of a horse that already has the colour bonus to complete the objective

I think this feature might have been recently 'fixed'... as I tried it this morning on a couple of 'tried and tested' colour bonus horses and the objective has not been met... default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 1,350
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Retired breeder wrote:

How does the Grand Prix work? I can only enter two of my horses in it today - as well as Champion, given to me by Emma. I need to enter 4 to complete my apprentice objectives :/

Two classic and two western can be entered every day. Unless you have the bonus item that lets you enter four in each speciality
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I have the give birth to a unicorn task, that is so annoying and unfair. It is completely out of my control whether I happen to get the 1/5 success in the 2 chances I get. Is there anyway to increase my chances? I don't have any ready covered mares so there are only the two chances
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AceSpace wrote:

I have the give birth to a unicorn task, that is so annoying and unfair. It is completely out of my control whether I happen to get the 1/5 success in the 2 chances I get. Is there anyway to increase my chances? I don't have any ready covered mares so there are only the two chances

The only ways to increase the chance is to become a VIP member and select the improved 1/4 chance perk, or to use a Hestia's Gift on the unicorn mare to guarantee she produces unicorn offspring from her next covering, without using up a covering session to boot. You can currently get the Gift as a prize in the Rider's Store event. Draught unicorns have a naturally boosted 2/5 chance of success.

Aside from that you would just have to keep your fingers crossed. If you have multiple unicorn mares you can cover several of them in one session, and if none produced unicorns wait the 10 real hours needed for them to rest between coverings, and then cover several of them again for a second shot.
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2020 09:50:20
I’ve completed 7 days of challenges but I don’t know how to collect the HoP so that I can continue to play. It doesn’t show in my black market inventory.

I’d be very grateful for some help �
By Retired breeder, 1st December 2020 10:16:36
Retired breeder wrote:

I’ve completed 7 days of challenges but I don’t know how to collect the HoP so that I can continue to play. It doesn’t show in my black market inventory.

I’d be very grateful for some help �

If you go to the daily objectives page, you'll see a 'Use' button below the HoP!
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2020 13:35:43
Hey me again
I have an objective to equip a horse with a 2** black saddle cloth is there any way to get one? Theres none in the store but I'm not sure if they cycle back in?
You can usually get them through events and as gifts from friends, I have some spare if you want one, just add me default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2020 14:24:27
Thank you so much!
Does anyone have a spare 2** white polo wraps for today’s mission they could gift me please? I will gift something back default smiley :)
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Does anyone know how i can get a 2** Black ear bonnet for my objective please?
  • Posted messages: 53
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We aren't allowed to beg for things in this topic sorry.

2* tack is obtained through the video ads, luck items, contests, gifting from friends and the Divine Secret Rainbow.

A tip. A quick look through this topic will more than likely give you the answer to the question you want to ask. This one especially is answered regularly.
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2020 12:13:18
Anybody know how to receive a gift through item donation please?
It means a friend sending you a gift through the shop gifting system.
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