Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks


You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the Daily Objectives.

Within this thread, players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply, which includes no advertising.

Warm Regards,
The Howrse Team
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<font color="090DF0">First tip:

Locating what your objectives are via the mobile/app version of the game.

You can find them through the ranking page within the mobile/app version.</font color>
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By Retired breeder, 29th January 2019 17:43:56
Are everyone's objectives the same or do we all get different ones?
By Retired breeder, 30th January 2019 01:50:28
I have done what the objective says, but i dont know how to get the reward?.
Once you have finished an objective, the bottom bit where it says however many passes will become clickable. You have to click it to claim the passes.
  • Posted messages: 4
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  • Seniority: 2,089 days
Retired breeder wrote:

Are everyone's objectives the same or do we all get different ones?

We all get different ones.
  • Posted messages: 757
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Today I've got buy a meadow, box or greenhouse from the shop!
But you can only make these! default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 50
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If you go onto your workshops/meadows/boxes, there should be the option to buy them default smiley ^)
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  • Seniority: 2,758 days
I just had an objective that entailed putting a horse to bed whose age ended in 7 months - easy enough on first reflection - but oh... that's an odd number of months, so can only be done with a horse with a Water of Youth… which I removed yesterday... (not really default smiley xd)

So - quick tip for you all...default smiley :p
If you ever do have to remove a Water of Youth from a horse, make sure the horse's age is on an 'odd' number of months before doing so - then you'll always have a horse that can be aged up to the required number of months for the type of objective I had this morning default smiley (y) default smiley ;)
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There is an objective that entails earning an amount of resources from boarders doing missions at your EC... I have had at least two requests from EC's where my horses are boarded, asking me to do missions. The first one I did cos it was part of my AP farming. The second and third times the request came in late in the day when I had already finished...

The moral of the story is not to rely on your boarders... make sure you keep some of your own horses at your own EC say 10% ( 1 in 10). That way you can gather resources yourself and are not reliant on the whims of your boarders. default smiley (y) default smiley ;)
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My objective today is to win a rosette!!! whaaaaaat!!!!!

How do i do that?!
  • Posted messages: 26
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Could someone send me a gift so I can complete my objectives
  • Posted messages: 951
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Can someone put a cheap horse between 3-5 years old in reserved sales please? I need to give it a mash. Skills don't matter! Thank you so muchhdefault smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 862
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Hello, I have been completing the daily objectives with no problem up until yesterday, and for my objective worth 20 passes I was to find 3 ageing points when waking my horses, I did find 3 ageing points however the objective did not complete and now I have to start from scratch to get a horn of plenty in seven days. I find it really frustrating as it is like on the events, no matter how much time and effort I put in I have absolutely no chance of getting the bigger and better prizes. Does one have to make in app purchases to get the better prizes or rank highest?
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Jenna1 wrote:

I did find 3 ageing points however the objective did not complete and now

f you woke up a horse you already woke up the day before, then if an aging point showed up it would not count.

If they were new wake ups then you need to send in a ticket to contact us. You can also simply age a horse until it drops another AP.
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Just a little reminder that you can not use the forums to advertise (with the exception of EC Classifieds forum for boxes and the friends/congratulations topic in Event forum) default smiley :)

This topic is for helping players when they don't understand the objectives or when they don't know how to fulfill them (or as Cailow already said, simply for sharing your personal progression with the daily objectives).

For example if a player doesn't know where to get a coloured saddle cloth for the objective, the player can ask the question in this topic and it will be answered by other players.

However you can not ask specifically for help with it, for example "Can anyone gift me a red saddle cloth?".
  • Posted messages: 1,164
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How can I get black 2** polo wraps? I have a black and white ear bonnet and a black saddle cloth but other than promos where can I get them?

(Mine is the colour bonus)

Thank you!
  • Posted messages: 862
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Only way to get 2* tack are having them gifted from friends or finding them in luck items.
You can also try the sales. Maybe there is a horse with a black polo wraps equipped and you can get the colour bonus with that one
  • Posted messages: 4,856
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2019 19:41:40
Hi guys one of my objectives is to give a horse a 2 star black ear bonnet but I don't own one how do I get one??? Thanks!!
mm I feel like getting that perfect 7 day streak us going to be near impossible,

there's always an objective that pops up that I cannot realistically complete.. :/

like today, "win a rosette".
i'm not a competitive player so none of my horses have high enough skills ? and why would I spend over 50 passes in the sales to get one that possibility could win a rosette?
i'm finding some of these objectives are completely counterintuitive or only realistic for a specific kind of player, whereas the old system was accessible to absolutely everyone .. hmm

shot in the dark, but does anyone know any other way to complete this objective?
Wind Song
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Shalassa wrote:

Only way to get 2* tack are having them gifted from friends or finding them in luck items.

I think that all 2* tack will have to be hoarded from now on... I used to occasionally use three items to get a colour bonus... but these objectives will just get tougher unless we actively hold on to every piece that comes along.

Even then, I don't think the opportunities to collect 2* tack are sufficient enough to meet the ongoing demand created by the Daily Objectives. I barely collect enough to manage the Great Challenge objectives, 3-4 times a year...default smiley :s
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2019 11:50:04
Are these objectives done on rank? So does someone with a higher ranking have more difficult objectives to achieve or are they randomly allocated?
Think of this (and Yggdrasil for that matter) as a long term playing strategy. So what if one day you can't do an objective because you dont have what you need or can't justify the pass outlay? So you note the objective down and set aside time/resources in your game to getting whatever you need for it so that next time it comes around, you're ready. After all, the 'streak' reward is one of the most widely reviled luck items there is. A HoP. *gasp*. That will open straightaway and cant be hoarded *double gasp*. How often over the last nearly 10 years have I watched players dismissing HoPs as a waste of a pass. So whats the problem with collecting the passes you can get easily/without putting out resources, and leaving the ones you can't/won't do.

I think personally that these objectives will widen the game of most players, if they see it as a challenge and not the end of the free ride they have been on with pass horses.
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Ayjay wrote:

whats the problem with collecting the passes you can get easily/without putting out resources, and leaving the ones you can't/won't do.
That's exactly where I am with it. Got one the other day which made me wonder what planet the devs were on thinking anyone would feel the cost was worth the reward default smiley :-x
Retired breeder wrote:

does someone with a higher ranking have more difficult objectives to achieve or are they randomly allocated
They appear to be randomly allocated, mine have been pretty much within my normal gameplay (apart from the one mentioned above).
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They're supposed to be linked by seniority so admin said once.
But I guess that's tha part with the Equus or maybe just 'stroke 5 horses' or 'stroke 20 horses'

But apart from that they're random. Maybe one can create a list of what objectives everybody gets and maybe there is a pattern to it
  • Posted messages: 4,856
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I have this objective:

Objective No. 2
Give one of the 5 bonuses from the store to a horse

I just put a Hypnos Blanket on a horse from my stores... but it has not registered...

So, does anyone know:
a) what the 5 bonuses are?
b) what/where is the store? (shop??)

default smiley (y)

Aahh - is it the bonus items of tack...? spurs, whip etc...?
cat 568
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