Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks


You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the Daily Objectives.

Within this thread, players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply, which includes no advertising.

Warm Regards,
The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 2nd October 2019 15:09:31
Hey, I have an objective that I need to get congratulated 6 times, will return
By Retired breeder, 2nd October 2019 15:10:13
Hey, I need to get congratulated 6 times, will return default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 2nd October 2019 15:10:45
Sorry didn't mean to send it twice default smiley :(
Why not try the looking for congratulations topic in the events forum, or just go and congratulate a whole load of people, most people will congratulate you in return. If you look for people who have congratulated people in the last few minutes, they will be doing the same as you.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd October 2019 19:23:27
Ahh, I was looking for that forum in the different forumsdefault smiley xd didn't think it would be there, sorry xx
Retired breeder wrote:

Yep and fast car.. productive text.

Absolutely classic...default smiley xd I fell off my chair...default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd October 2019 12:13:00
default smiley (7) will you gotta laugh after a good old rant. default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 3rd October 2019 15:00:14
Hahaaaaa need a rocket against the teams horses for that rosette.
Working on it. default smiley 8-)
Hey i has an objective where i need to resive (however you spell that) a preasent...

will return ... (once i get the money)default smiley :)
Bellatrix Black
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2019 16:27:19
A friend needs to send you a gift. Add me as a friend and I will send you something. default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 9th October 2019 12:05:21
Hi, could anyone give me 3 agenning points? I need to my daily tasks default smiley :s
You have to have at least 10 days seniority to be given gifts, sorry.
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By Retired breeder, 9th October 2019 16:42:16
@Ayay- right i forgot default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 9th October 2019 19:42:21
I would be so grateful if somebody could send me something to fulfil one of my objectives for today default smiley :)
Objective No. 2
Receive the colour bonus on a horse that never had it before

I'm a little unsure about what this means, does it mean take off an item (equipment) from a horse and replace with a coloured item?

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No, the colour bonus is gained by putting a 2* saddle cloth, leg wraps and an ear bonnet of the same colour on a horse. You can either put the three on at once, or if you have a horse with one or more 2* tack on it, you can do it by adding whatever items are missing, as long as they are the same colour as the item already on the horse. You will see that the bonus has been achieved because the tack pop up tells you
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Great, thankyou!
  • Posted messages: 8
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Can someone give me a present for a daily objective? I am happy to return default smiley :) (once I have figured out how to do it...)
  • Posted messages: 13
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Andromeda wrote:

Can someone give me a present for a daily objective? I am happy to return default smiley :) (once I have figured out how to do it...)

Only someone on your friends list can give you a gift - the option appears as a 'wrapped present' icon on your friends list, or if you go the the 'friends' presentation page it will show the same icon as an option, directly above where it shows seniority (next to the Avatar).
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objective 1:
be congratulated 4 times..... just my luck on the gay I need the passes

could u help me before I loose the will to live (slightly overexaggarated but hey)

I'd really appreciate it,

I'm not gonna say thanks in case u didnt but if u did

Bellatrix Black
  • Posted messages: 2
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Best way to get congrats is to give them. Go on a spree yourself starting on your congrats list then going on from there. Look for people who have congratulated someone in the last few minutes they will probably be doing the same as you and will congratulate you back
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By Retired breeder, 25th October 2019 16:37:58
Hello. I am on Objective 31: Own 4 horses of different breeds

I started out with Nokota, and thanks to the promo, I now have a Quarter Horse and an Appaloosa. My question is: Do the promo horses count towards this objective?

I assume I own the promo horses, since they are in my breeding farm, however I cannot do actions with them just yet, which makes me unsure if they would count toward it or not. I was planning on purchasing a horse from the auctions to help complete the objective, but need to know if I need to get a different breed or not. There is no status bar on the objective, to show whether they count or not.
By Retired breeder, 26th October 2019 04:29:41
I just got Nevada from the event and my objective was able to be validated. So they do count towards it default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 29th October 2019 20:15:49
Hi I need to be congratulated 4 times!
I'll try to return them all!
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi I need to be congratulated 4 times!
I'll try to return them all!

Best way to get congrats is to give them. Go on a spree yourself starting on your congrats list then going on from there. Look for people who have congratulated someone in the last few minutes they will probably be doing the same as you and will congratulate you back
  • Posted messages: 13,683
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