Beach Ride

Hi there,
I was just wondering if anybody could give me more information about beach rides.
I am a returning player and these are new to me. I understand that you transfer one skill to another, but why? Is there an advantage to it?
Any guides on how I should do it?

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I find beach rides are to help increase the top skill and take from the lesser skill,

Usually only important if your skilling or for example blupping and need to lower a certain skill to get into lower competitons, however you can choose which skills to take it from if you dont want it to be transferred from a certain skill, so if your skilling a KB for example i have to reduce trot enter low wp and it will take the skill from trot and put into stamina but if i want to put the skill into a different skill for example dressage i can change it to do so default smiley :)
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