Horse Navigation

Hi there,
I was just wondering if anybody knows anything about this problem I am experiencing. When I am caring for my horses, and clicking to the next one, sometimes it will bounce around to previous already bedded horses, sometimes it will go to the next one that needs care.
Any ideas?

Thank you,
La default smiley (l)
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do you sort your horses by skills or age maybe? If you train them, their skills will increase, which will change the order of the horses. It's the same with the age if you just click on them. That's why I usually sort them by Date of birth. (this and because it was the default, if I remember correctly ^^ )

Kind regards,
  • Posted messages: 48
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I have this problem all the time, I always click a search to only see horses that are not bedded, so when I click next it prevents it going to ones Ive already done.
  • Posted messages: 227
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Thank you both, I was searching by skills, I like to save the more exciting horses until last default smiley xd

Changing to DOB has helped
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Thank you very much
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