Donkey/Phanes Egg question

My autobuy recently bought a donkey with a Phanes Egg. I have the VIP Tianma perk which gives an extra covering so this donkey's breeding info says 3/4 for me despite having the Egg.

If I breed the donkey, will it use the Phanes Egg for the next covering anyway, or will it stay on the donkey to be used after I've completed my maximum 4 covers?

This is the first time I've run into this scenario, so I'm unsure how the game would deal with it as from my own experience I've only ever had the option to add an Egg to a donkey once I've used all 4 coverings.
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I don't know.
I've already asked this question on another server about a month ago (in the help centre) but there's still no reply. =(
I'm very curious for the answer too though.

Eggs can only be applied when there's no covering left, so it might use the egg. On the other hand the VIP perk always is the 4th covering. I'd hope it'd take the VIP covering and keep the egg, but I could also imagine they didn't think of that specific case.

Sorry for raising hope because you got an answer and still being no help at all ^^
I just wanted to say: if you find out but the topic is closed somehow before - please tell me ^^
I occasionally have VIP on the other server due to Kirin, but I use Eggs for daily objectives every now and then. It'd be a waste if they just disappeared, so I got curious.
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It's ok, while I was drafting the question I had a suspicion it might be one of those situations that not many people have come across so it might be difficult to find an answer without testing it myself. I was tempted to just put it back in the sales in the hope that someone without the Tianma perk would end up with it, but at the same time I'd really like to know what would happen as if someone who does have the perk bought it I'd feel guilty for just passing the issue along to someone else.

I'll leave it a few days to see if anyone has a definitive answer and if not I'll test it out and report back.

My curiosity hopefully will have overcome my reluctance to potentially waste a BMI by that point default smiley (lol)
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Bebi did you breed the donkey yet?
Star 022
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Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten I'd been meaning to do this default smiley (lol)

I've just added an Egg to one of my female donkeys and tried it, the male donkey in question used his Egg and now says 4/4 coverings, so it will definitely use the Egg in this situation.
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Thanks Bebi, I'd been watching this too default smiley ^) So I'm guessing it stays at a max of 4 rather than the 5? If that's unknown I might try it with a draught uni and use a hestia to check.
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Lilith wrote:

So I'm guessing it stays at a max of 4 rather than the 5?
That's how I understood this:
Bebi wrote:

the male donkey in question used his Egg and now says 4/4 coverings, so it will definitely use the Egg in this situation.

Lilith wrote:

I might try it with a draught uni and use a hestia to check.

Careful, Tianmas VIP perk only works for donkeys! So you shouldn't even be able to be in that situation with any draught horse. default smiley :o
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I went and checked, I was clearly having senior moment as your're right default smiley (lol)
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