foal games

hi would anybody have thefoal games schedule and be willing to share please
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8 mon: groom, 1 hr games, carrot, feed (three units more than indicated), 7.5 hrs play, stroke, bed.
10 mon: groom, 1 hr games, carrot, feed (3 units more than indicated), 8.5 hrs play, stroke, bed.
1 year: groom, 1 hr games, carrot, feed (as above), 9 hrs play, stroke, bed.
1 year 2 mon: 2 hrs games, carrots, feed (as above), 9 hrs play, stroke, bed
1 year 4 mon: 2 hrs games, carrot, feed (as above), 9.5 hrs play, stroke, bed.

(Credit to Dr Zig, I got it from their forum many years ago and it still works every time, even when you make a mistake and put your foal in a box that doesn't have a shower or a trough, and/or you dont have the fountain.)

You'll probably get a few more different ones, its up to you to work out what works for you. This one works for me.
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Here's what I do:

1. Feed recommended forage
2. Play for as many hours as possible
3. Stroke, carrot, water, feed 2 forage
4. Play for as many hours as you can but make sure you leave the foal with 20% energy before bed

Works for me default smiley :)

Although I know there are lots of other ways of doing it!
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thanks for reply
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