Horse's BLUP meter is stuck.

Hello. I should have reached BLUP 100 on one of my horses yesterday, but it stayed stuck at 99.9. I left it for a day in case it took a while to show up, however, it still has not updated. I have the top 3 skills bolded, she is over 10 and has won more than 20 competitions. Can anyone offer any insight on what may have happened?

Here is a link to the horse in question:

Thank you!
Indigo 03
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Hi, although you left over night, was she bedded and aged?
  • Posted messages: 222
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She was bedded and aged yesterday when I checked yesterday but this morning the BLUP appeared to be fixed. Thank you for your help!
Indigo 03
  • Posted messages: 163
  • Karma: 10 points
The problem has resolved itself. Thank you for all your help. Locking now!
Indigo 03
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