Returning player needing some advice

Hi everyone!

Returning to try this game after many years away. Can any one jog my memory if there are good ways to get aging points other than waking horses up or using passes.
Any advice on the current state of the game and how to progress, still remember BLUPing is important haha. Thanks default smiley :-))
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And the breeders and EC manuals are brilliant places to find info. Any specific questions, you can bring them back here.
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Hello default smiley :)

I am also a new, returning player! I played the game around 15 years ago and have recently come back. A lot has changed!

I suggest having a thorough read through the Breeder's Manual. Take some time to look around people's pages and EC page's, there's some really helpful information on some of them. It gives you an idea of how to best achieve what you want to!

Feel free to message me, if I can help I will default smiley :)
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You can also go to an Archimedes horse (search for that name on the 'horses' tab in the directory and tick the 'show only special horses' box, or sometimes people have links on their page to all the special horses that give other players gifts) once per day and answer its question - if you get it right you win an ageing point.
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Lots of divines give them.

You can get 100 APs every time a Hrimfaxi fills its bar which akes about 20ish days each time. The Japanese divines seem to regularly give me 10 x APs when woken. Lots of others have them as prizes as well default smiley :)
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