[Survey] Transformation: Hungry Shark


We’ve successfully transformed all the sharks! What combinations did you go for?

We would like to gather your thoughts and feedback about the event. Below are a series of questions you can rate: What was good about the event? What can be improved? Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest).

We always appreciate your feedback, but please remember the forum rules and keep it constructive!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 547
  • Karma: 10 points


1. How entertaining was the contest? 1 = Boring, 5 = Super entertaining

2. How easy to understand was the contest? 1 = Not intuitive, 5 = Super intuitive

3. How easy was it to progress in the contest? 1 = Very difficult, 5 = Very easy

4. Are you satisfied with the rewards you received? 1 = Unsatisfied, 5 = Very Satisfied

5. How visually appealing was the contest? 1 = Poor, 5 = Magnificent

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Boring and prizes were awful
  • Posted messages: 1,118
  • Karma: 10 points
Very boring contest with almost no visual or cenceptual creativity. It felt like they didn't put any thought into this. I did like the Hermes' Staff they offered, but that was the only exceptional item offered. The jackpot being another boring companion was possibly the worst decision they could have made. Also, the divine only being available with the limited level 1 and 2 cards meant that no amount of strategy made it possible to even come close to collecting the necessary number of divine fragments for the (again, boring) new divine. Bring back the old divines that offered real benefits, howrse. At this point you're grasping at straws
  • Posted messages: 226
  • Karma: 10 points
Liked the fact you could choose your own prizes - I just wanted wanderer's spirits!default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 3
  • Karma: 10 points
no t/c in yhe prizesdefault smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 869
  • Karma: 10 points
Most disappointing event, as always with transformation.

In nearly every other promotion it would have been possible for us to win the whole prize list plus 300 to 400 fragments without spending any passes by simply playing the event.

20+ prizes vs like what..3 here? default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 1,156
  • Karma: 10 points
Mixed feelings re the artwork: some cute, some not.

Great to be able to choose the prizes we want, and I was surprised to find Titan's Challenges, and not even at the toughest level. I managed to pick up 4 TCs - not remotely interested in the *top* prize.

However, as others have said, very dull event overall. In fact, not only did I completely forget to pick up last prizes from the past few days of sharks, I wasn't even that annoyed with myself when I realised the event had already finished. Just Meh.
Suzanna's Zodiac
  • Posted messages: 963
  • Karma: 10 points
Normally I like the artwork for the merge events but this one was just a no from me. I aimed for the harmony packs and managed to pick up five, so I won't complain about what I won. However I can see where everyone else is coming from with being highly disappointed with this event.default smiley (h)
ʏ2ᴋ﹣ᴋɪᴛᴛʏ ♡
  • Posted messages: 106
  • Karma: 10 points
Just to add a bit of context to this event... It used to be all right... not brilliant but defo OK...

Then about 2ish years ago the (2nd version of) Cat-sith merge, jumped from having 8 subjects to 9... (The previous Cu-sith version was the last to have 8).

This made a massive difference to the number of prizes that were possible to collect.

Basically in this event, if you went for anything needing a level 9 shark then you were going to be limited to 2 or at best 3 prizes. Whereas at the last Cu-sith event, Hestias were the 2nd top prize and I collected 6 or 7 of them... plus 1 cu-sith...

Then the other point is the evaluation of prizes by the players... which I know is very subjective...but it was as clear as day that the only value for money prizes on offer were the Titans Challenge or the pack of 5 clouds...... Like SZ above I went solely for TCs and got 4 and a few Hypnos at the end...

A Hermes staff will get you 1 Nix pack, or 1 of any other BMi that is 'buyable'...... I traded a TC for 3 Nix packs over the weekend (twice)...! default smiley (h) No brainer...!

I think it was just possible to get 4 x the 5 cloud prizes so 20 clouds available. They sell for 200,000e each in exchanges, so that;s 4 MILLION equus that could have been had... 3 clouds get you an MA in exchanges so that would be 6 MAs..default smiley :o

Just need to think very carefully about the relative value of each prize...

Based on these figures, anyone selling their Shark companion on a horse should be looking for at least 600passes, probably more... so don't go giving them away...

Saying that, I think you will be lucky to find anyone willing to pay that much so best hold fire before selling too cheaply... Good luck...default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 1,343
  • Karma: 10 points
Artwork was very poor and disappointing. Event is a little boring and prizes were quite poor this time around.
  • Posted messages: 1,338
  • Karma: 10 points
Didn't like the shark artwork, I collected one of the companions as I like collecting stuff but not sure I'm going to use it on a horse so it might just be one for my inventory.

Not going to comment much on the actual event as it's all been said above, other than to say it's a lot of merging to pick up so few prizes and I like other events better. The best thing about this one was the total lack of interest I had in the divine on offer, not keen on these weird animal merged divines and I'm not interested in the prize it gave either, so was easy to ignore it.
  • Posted messages: 1,131
  • Karma: 10 points
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