[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025
Thank you for sharing your message! I have shared it with the team.
![]() Check out the latest features on the game via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
![]() Check out the latest features on the game, including some changes to the Ascent of Olympus via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
Great change... NOT... the Olympus game is still allocating frags to the old set of divines...
![]() Gimma the Drachma back please...!!! ![]()
Also it wouldn't it have been worth saying somewhere that you have created a new forum dedicated to Ascent of Olympus..???
Rather than just remove the topic from Events forum and say nothing... ![]()
Thank you for sharing your feedback about the latest game update!
![]() Check out the latest features in the game via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
![]() Check out the latest features in the game via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
Three issues:
1 - I find it very difficult to get excited about your trophies. We made it abundantly clear that the Trophy changes were a step backwards and that they totally ruined the 'collector's experience' within the game. Nothing has changed.. Trophies are still rubbish...! So now you add more trophies... we have a bigger pile of rubbish... Meh! 2 - To add insult to injury, some of us have been playing the Olympus/Reindeer games from day one, yet you choose not to acknowledge that and set all of the new trophies to zero. Once again snubbing the players that have supported your game. 3 - I have raised it at least once a year for last 7 years but please, please, please can you stop using the word "metre" instead of "meter"... It is insulting to your UK players that you have so little regard for our language, and repeatedly choose to mis-spell this word. It would take two minutes to look up synonyms of the word GAUGE in the Oxford English Dictionary - where you will find meter listed (not metre). In the UK, a 'metre' is a metric unit of measurement equal to 100 cm - whereas a 'meter' is a device or gauge for measuring usage (gas/electric meter etc) or progress (parking meter etc) etc.
2 - To add insult to injury, some of us have been playing the Olympus/Reindeer games from day one, yet you choose not to acknowledge that and set all of the new trophies to zero. I'd just like to provide a bit of insight for this one - Admin have confirmed some trophies are planned to work retroactively (namely the ones called 'Obol Victories', 'Drachma Victories' and 'Ascent of Olympus'). Originally they were meant to work today after the update, however the update caused a lot of excessive down-time on other servers that received the update before us, and lasted most of the day. Server down-time was avoided here by releasing the update without the retroactive trophies. They plan to make those trophies retroactive at some point, but first have said they need to wait and understand why it took so long, and work on a quicker solution to implement this. All of this information is referenced from the official Howrse Discord server, I'm merely passing it along. ![]()
In the UK, a 'metre' is a metric unit of measurement equal to 100 cm - whereas a 'meter' is a device or gauge for measuring usage (gas/electric meter etc) or progress (parking meter etc) etc. I am glad I am not the only one who gets irritated by this! ![]()
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the latest Devs' Corner update.
![]() The game has been updated! Check out the latest features in the game via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
Unicorn feature long overdue.
![]() I recently had a unicorn who tried for 20 coverings before producing a unicorn. ![]()
Thank you for your feedback and message regarding the latest Devs' Corner! I've shared your message with the team.
![]() Updates on the mobile version this week! Check out the latest features in the game via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
I seem to have technical difficulties now in progressing in every trophy
I seem to have technical difficulties now in progressing in every trophy ![]() Sadly this is a known issue, we've been told a solution is being worked on so just waiting on an update. ![]()
Thank you for sharing your messages about the latest Devs' Corner!
![]() The game has been updated! Check out the latest features via the newest Dev’s Corner! What do you think of the new balancing for customization items? Best Regards, The Howrse Team
![]() The game has been updated! Check out the latest features via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
![]() The game has been updated! Check out the latest features via the newest Dev’s Corner! Best Regards, The Howrse Team
As if keeping on tack of Knight tack and Clouds is not enough... Howrse implements the Heracles' Horseshoes! With clouds, Knight tack and this new item competitions (including the grand prix) can be won from a lot further GP behind (I dont have the exact number but its 200+ GP gap is needed!!
This makes it more based off IF you have this bonus rather than Blups which is the main point of the game. The effort that teams put into keeping grand Prix's by blups is becoming worthless because of this new item!! I get this is a way of them trying to squeeze more money out of people but for once think of the players ![]() ![]() Thomas
I'd appreciate it if the Howrse Team could please clarify whether the Horseshoe Bonus will apply to Grand Prix competitions? The wording is slightly ambiguous. It seems like an odd thing to add after the Dev's Corner comments only a month ago on the 5th of March which re-balanced the coat bonuses to remove 'overpowered combinations favoured in .... Grand Prix events' - to introduce yet another 'must have' item to win!
Feels very much like one step forward, two steps backwards with the introduction of this item, especially if it applies to Grand Prix competitions, when other bonuses, such as the Evil Witch coat from the Magic Hat, explicitly do not affect Grand Prix as it would produce an 'unfair' advantage.