SaphyraKayda's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 19th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
5203 | +2 | RD05 | 50,051 | ||||
5204 | +2 | sweetwitches | 49,916 | ||||
5205 | +2 | sroutledge93 | 49,912 | ||||
5206 | +2 | Sakura | 49,857 | ||||
5207 | +2 | jessiie149 | 49,817 | ||||
5208 | +2 | hoebai | 49,749 | ||||
5209 | +2 | Brixuk | 49,746 | ||||
5210 | +2 | hopinmeyuut | 49,705 | ||||
5211 | +2 | Ross Ward | 49,695 | ||||
5212 | +12 | SaphyraKayda | 49,664 | ||||
5213 | +1 | Jason Todd | 49,542 | ||||
5214 | +1 | Claud99 | 49,529 | ||||
5215 | +1 | Hen Tempest-Roe | 49,508 | ||||
5216 | +1 | meggy2103 | 49,469 | ||||
5217 | +1 | frankie_9101 | 49,449 | ||||
5218 | +1 | Gittucsi1107 | 49,446 | ||||
5219 | +1 | Georgia Silentgirl | 49,429 | ||||
5220 | +1 | Ravenwood | 49,382 | ||||
5221 | +1 | onyxrose | 49,305 | ||||
5222 | +1 | Mags98 | 49,257 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
5982 | -1 | Koister123 | 12 | ||||
5983 | -1 | Arabreiner98 | 12 | ||||
5984 | -1 | Sunshinedaisy | 12 | ||||
5985 | -1 | mamab3 | 12 | ||||
5986 | -1 | ChloeFrances | 12 | ||||
5987 | -1 | Cherrybay11 | 12 | ||||
5988 | -1 | EvanH2022 | 12 | ||||
5989 | -1 | frankhencel12 | 12 | ||||
5990 | -1 | earth222ella | 12 | ||||
5991 | +76 | SaphyraKayda | 12 | ||||
5992 | -2 | aimxria | 12 | ||||
5993 | -2 | DunMasc | 12 | ||||
5994 | -2 | LittleAmoeba | 12 | ||||
5995 | -2 | NoUsername | 12 | ||||
5996 | -2 | Castessa | 12 | ||||
5997 | -2 | xkittyhiggins | 12 | ||||
5998 | -2 | ranger234 | 12 | ||||
5999 | -2 | NoPrivateNumbers | 12 | ||||
6000 | -2 | ladyfaye | 12 | ||||
6001 | -2 | Draig | 12 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
6601 | -1 | Wildhart2 | 7,208 | ||||
6602 | +78 | Ni_77! | 7,193 | ||||
6603 | -2 | Nellcooke | 7,188 | ||||
6604 | -2 | xRacoon | 7,187 | ||||
6605 | -2 | noahs | 7,179 | ||||
6606 | -2 | earth222ella | 7,150 | ||||
6607 | -2 | molldogwalker | 7,137 | ||||
6608 | -2 | brumby3 | 7,127 | ||||
6609 | -1 | mia180Mia | 7,104 | ||||
6610 | -223 | SaphyraKayda | 7,098 | ||||
6611 | -2 | Draft_Supplier | 7,085 | ||||
6612 | -1 | PapaDragon | 7,048 | ||||
6613 | -1 | anouck | 7,037 | ||||
6614 | -1 | Bilbo2016 | 7,028 | ||||
6615 | -1 | Soup69420 | 7,024 | ||||
6616 | -1 | Willow4206 | 7,024 | ||||
6617 | -1 | ciara | 6,997 | ||||
6618 | -1 | Horses2024 | 6,956 | ||||
6619 | -1 | izxrose01 | 6,929 | ||||
6620 | -1 | SaSappho | 6,927 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6478 | -3 | raina | 7 | ||||
6479 | -3 | Sprogog | 7 | ||||
6480 | -3 | RueeeLove | 7 | ||||
6481 | -3 | Claudx | 7 | ||||
6482 | -3 | mir | 7 | ||||
6483 | +127 | juju92 | 7 | ||||
6484 | -3 | TheThinggg | 7 | ||||
6485 | -3 | YourLocalShortee | 7 | ||||
6486 | -3 | flightlessfinch | 7 | ||||
6487 | +126 | SaphyraKayda | 7 | ||||
6488 | +126 | Stormer | 7 | ||||
6489 | -2 | Himolly | 6 | ||||
6490 | -2 | Nalori | 6 | ||||
6491 | -2 | 19Calder94 | 6 | ||||
6492 | -2 | LLawliet96 | 6 | ||||
6493 | -2 | toscara | 6 | ||||
6494 | -2 | HollyLolly | 6 | ||||
6495 | -2 | Banya | 6 | ||||
6496 | -2 | Lilyanne99 | 6 | ||||
6497 | -2 | Auntie | 6 |