shawna1232's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
8297 | -1 | PHOEBE+NEVILL | 748 | ||||
8298 | -1 | theggmul | 733 | ||||
8299 | -1 | assiya haha | 731 | ||||
8300 | -1 | godismysenpai | 720 | ||||
8301 | -1 | mollsincredible | 716 | ||||
8302 | -1 | Kyanna910 | 699 | ||||
8303 | -1 | kaileighmcmulzie1 | 699 | ||||
8304 | -1 | Trotters | 697 | ||||
8305 | -1 | mateo | 693 | ||||
8306 | -1 | shawna1232 | 683 | ||||
8307 | -1 | TUBULAR | 680 | ||||
8308 | -1 | 0Zero0 | 673 | ||||
8309 | -1 | ngbbvg | 670 | ||||
8310 | -1 | Duckypuppysoup | 663 | ||||
8311 | -1 | EvaDiva03 | 656 | ||||
8312 | -1 | LuckySpirit33 | 649 | ||||
8313 | -1 | FaustianSerpent | 647 | ||||
8314 | -1 | blueberryfarm | 624 | ||||
8315 | -1 | ilovehorses | 618 | ||||
8316 | -1 | Grace.kennedyyx | 608 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
7070 | -2 | Shadowzs | 4 | ||||
7071 | -2 | rhiannitha | 4 | ||||
7072 | -2 | nico | 4 | ||||
7073 | -2 | huntstar | 4 | ||||
7074 | -2 | ladywonderland22 | 4 | ||||
7075 | -2 | Caroline1976 | 4 | ||||
7076 | -2 | Ehull | 4 | ||||
7077 | -2 | PhoenixEE | 4 | ||||
7078 | -2 | husky1435 | 4 | ||||
7079 | -2 | shawna1232 | 4 | ||||
7080 | -2 | abigailstanbury | 4 | ||||
7081 | -2 | notii | 4 | ||||
7082 | -2 | Hundredcactus28 | 4 | ||||
7083 | -2 | mollycr1 | 4 | ||||
7084 | -2 | Meteorite | 4 | ||||
7085 | -2 | Jessica | 4 | ||||
7086 | -2 | jbird18 | 4 | ||||
7087 | -2 | Sophie Robbins | 4 | ||||
7088 | -2 | •You are pretty• | 4 | ||||
7089 | -2 | toscara | 4 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
7782 | -5 | Mariwonz | 3,912 | ||||
7783 | -5 | Hound | 3,912 | ||||
7784 | -5 | chlxe225 | 3,907 | ||||
7785 | -5 | Roei13 | 3,891 | ||||
7786 | -5 | miss_moon | 3,888 | ||||
7787 | -5 | Freya2201 | 3,876 | ||||
7788 | -5 | zazamel | 3,875 | ||||
7789 | -5 | Kvetch | 3,869 | ||||
7790 | -5 | Freereinfan502 | 3,865 | ||||
7791 | -5 | shawna1232 | 3,864 | ||||
7792 | -5 | Csenge | 3,863 | ||||
7793 | -5 | matildakelly345 | 3,862 | ||||
7794 | -5 | Jodie | 3,860 | ||||
7795 | -5 | ahmonhay | 3,860 | ||||
7796 | -4 | EvLa | 3,854 | ||||
7797 | -4 | TheKeysYouLost | 3,851 | ||||
7798 | -4 | horseylover66 | 3,848 | ||||
7799 | -4 | Mollok | 3,846 | ||||
7800 | -4 | Apple721 | 3,843 | ||||
7801 | -4 | horse | 3,837 |
Player | Days | ||||||
7274 | +3 | GuoYinou | 3 | ||||
7275 | +3 | F1lovee | 3 | ||||
7276 | +3 | Misty_Fire | 3 | ||||
7277 | +3 | ashgrovehayley | 3 | ||||
7278 | +3 | Ladyjaz | 3 | ||||
7279 | +3 | BreeWarren | 3 | ||||
7280 | +3 | Midnight Shadows | 3 | ||||
7281 | +3 | minibeckwithamy | 3 | ||||
7282 | +3 | missabbagirl02 | 3 | ||||
7283 | +3 | shawna1232 | 3 | ||||
7284 | +3 | Nasztazora | 3 | ||||
7285 | +3 | Crayons | 3 | ||||
7286 | +3 | tutorialtesting | 3 | ||||
7287 | +3 | sophie true | 3 | ||||
7288 | +3 | satxvrn | 3 | ||||
7289 | +3 | emarples | 3 | ||||
7290 | +3 | bmhbipigyp | 3 | ||||
7291 | +3 | Megannie | 3 | ||||
7292 | +3 | ashlingm181 | 3 | ||||
7293 | +3 | Lisa | 3 |