sophia1801's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
7531 | -3 | Muxlisa | 4,947 | ||||
7532 | -3 | Meg Schooling | 4,945 | ||||
7533 | -3 | TheHeartAcre | 4,941 | ||||
7534 | -3 | booksandboots | 4,938 | ||||
7535 | -3 | j4y | 4,937 | ||||
7536 | -3 | Ash_24 | 4,934 | ||||
7537 | -3 | Somebody598 | 4,924 | ||||
7538 | -3 | Bobatee | 4,924 | ||||
7539 | -3 | GraceVentura | 4,912 | ||||
7540 | -3 | sophia1801 | 4,908 | ||||
7541 | -3 | ILOVECINNAMON | 4,906 | ||||
7542 | -3 | bvnniiez | 4,903 | ||||
7543 | -3 | XXchaosdemon!XX | 4,902 | ||||
7544 | -3 | prosserpina | 4,898 | ||||
7545 | -3 | Emaly | 4,896 | ||||
7546 | -3 | Viktoriya.19 | 4,895 | ||||
7547 | -3 | rosie988 | 4,891 | ||||
7548 | -3 | Rhen | 4,891 | ||||
7549 | -3 | jadieeee | 4,890 | ||||
7550 | -3 | abigail 2234 | 4,890 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
7203 | = | Medi48 | 3 | ||||
7204 | = | ronnie | 3 | ||||
7205 | = | Katherine Smith | 3 | ||||
7206 | = | Temporla | 3 | ||||
7207 | = | Aztec101 | 3 | ||||
7208 | = | Sansa Stables | 3 | ||||
7209 | = | gpartridge | 3 | ||||
7210 | = | ksndkcskdncs | 3 | ||||
7211 | = | Horsey_G4L | 3 | ||||
7212 | = | sophia1801 | 3 | ||||
7213 | = | horse | 3 | ||||
7214 | = | Emuska | 3 | ||||
7215 | = | Samboo24 | 3 | ||||
7216 | = | GuoYinou | 3 | ||||
7217 | = | plumpidge | 3 | ||||
7218 | = | strawberryseas | 3 | ||||
7219 | = | MJ Pagett | 3 | ||||
7220 | = | k8h_10 | 3 | ||||
7221 | = | skmsns | 3 | ||||
7222 | = | Mozzi | 3 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
8302 | -5 | nikolahorse | 2,279 | ||||
8303 | -5 | Emily2707 | 2,264 | ||||
8304 | -5 | Solemcrab1! | 2,248 | ||||
8305 | -5 | Kyoke-Fenix | 2,245 | ||||
8306 | -5 | georgia0106 | 2,243 | ||||
8307 | -5 | Rassiia1105 | 2,229 | ||||
8308 | -5 | Valerie | 2,223 | ||||
8309 | -5 | Bang2Rights | 2,222 | ||||
8310 | -212 | CptnFncyPnts | 2,195 | ||||
8311 | -6 | sophia1801 | 2,192 | ||||
8312 | -6 | Allielunanora | 2,179 | ||||
8313 | -6 | Talliah321 | 2,174 | ||||
8314 | -6 | paddy123 | 2,155 | ||||
8315 | -6 | tial467! | 2,143 | ||||
8316 | -6 | blueberry | 2,142 | ||||
8317 | -6 | Anna Heritage | 2,139 | ||||
8318 | -6 | Oneiratxxia | 2,132 | ||||
8319 | -6 | Chloerules2001 | 2,131 | ||||
8320 | -6 | lilbluey15 | 2,125 | ||||
8321 | -6 | Secretariat. | 2,116 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6942 | = | owenceris1 | 4 | ||||
6943 | = | MaximumPONK | 4 | ||||
6944 | = | Unusual-Paradox | 4 | ||||
6945 | = | MummaMary86 | 4 | ||||
6946 | = | DogNinja | 4 | ||||
6947 | = | Alex_Under_New_Sky | 4 | ||||
6948 | = | Izzyp94 | 4 | ||||
6949 | = | Teddybear | 4 | ||||
6950 | = | whitemocha | 4 | ||||
6951 | = | sophia1801 | 4 | ||||
6952 | = | Sundancekid | 4 | ||||
6953 | = | Messrs beautillion | 4 | ||||
6954 | = | ShadowInTheDark | 4 | ||||
6955 | = | soph323 | 4 | ||||
6956 | = | MatejaLenka | 4 | ||||
6957 | = | Amy. | 4 | ||||
6958 | = | ST4R | 4 | ||||
6959 | = | sillyguy | 4 | ||||
6960 | = | seonaerin | 4 | ||||
6961 | = | rainaspafford | 4 |