Claireisse's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
7311 | -4 | 06bourne | 6,828 | ||||
7312 | -4 | Kerasia | 6,828 | ||||
7313 | -4 | Horsie | 6,825 | ||||
7314 | -4 | SheDevilLilith | 6,821 | ||||
7315 | -4 | Jodiesteveson | 6,815 | ||||
7316 | -4 | Cinnamon22 | 6,795 | ||||
7317 | -4 | Damez | 6,790 | ||||
7318 | -4 | bamagirl89 | 6,755 | ||||
7319 | -4 | m14sxf | 6,745 | ||||
7320 | -4 | Claireisse | 6,718 | ||||
7321 | -4 | NoPrivateNumbers | 6,707 | ||||
7322 | -4 | Aiveta Grigutė | 6,677 | ||||
7323 | -4 | daughterofcain | 6,662 | ||||
7324 | -4 | MikeyHeard | 6,656 | ||||
7325 | -4 | horsey4000 | 6,644 | ||||
7326 | -4 | Zoura | 6,636 | ||||
7327 | -4 | okaydream | 6,599 | ||||
7328 | -4 | kyremflowers | 6,598 | ||||
7329 | -4 | mr_etherton | 6,579 | ||||
7330 | -3 | ColaSwishy980 | 6,555 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
6658 | +1 | PHOEBE+NEVILL | 5 | ||||
6659 | +1 | Alicia_bailey | 5 | ||||
6660 | +1 | Aoi sakura | 5 | ||||
6661 | +1 | lollie3 | 5 | ||||
6662 | +1 | Issac_nz | 5 | ||||
6663 | +1 | FaustianSerpent | 5 | ||||
6664 | +1 | Claudx | 5 | ||||
6665 | +1 | Ladyluck | 5 | ||||
6666 | +1 | H U N T E R | 5 | ||||
6667 | +1 | Claireisse | 5 | ||||
6668 | +1 | RiverFae | 5 | ||||
6669 | +1 | LizzyLu2 | 5 | ||||
6670 | +1 | KimmieMac96 | 5 | ||||
6671 | +1 | idontknow1029 | 5 | ||||
6672 | +1 | lunaah | 5 | ||||
6673 | +1 | eekskee | 5 | ||||
6674 | +1 | selkie | 5 | ||||
6675 | +1 | AAFKE | 5 | ||||
6676 | +1 | xxx_chrysaliis | 5 | ||||
6677 | +1 | ShadowInTheDark | 5 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
5112 | -177 | Lizi | 58,139 | ||||
5113 | +7 | astro_iism | 58,092 | ||||
5114 | +7 | SneezleWeasel | 58,090 | ||||
5115 | +8 | popsikle | 58,029 | ||||
5116 | +8 | Noble16WHU | 58,025 | ||||
5117 | +8 | Legends of Fire | 57,969 | ||||
5118 | +8 | Bexya | 57,890 | ||||
5119 | -339 | KawaiSushi | 57,873 | ||||
5120 | +8 | earltolloller | 57,731 | ||||
5121 | +8 | Claireisse | 57,640 | ||||
5122 | +8 | laurendotty | 57,558 | ||||
5123 | +8 | smudgyboy | 57,426 | ||||
5124 | +8 | ABunchOfRats | 57,379 | ||||
5125 | +8 | Az4711 | 57,373 | ||||
5126 | +8 | NativeNag | 57,353 | ||||
5127 | +8 | FEICCI5* | 57,329 | ||||
5128 | +8 | Gryph | 57,308 | ||||
5129 | +8 | effies | 57,260 | ||||
5130 | +8 | Nlb79 | 57,242 | ||||
5131 | +8 | Veronika_Rosebear1 | 57,195 |
Player | Days | ||||||
6497 | -1 | Leyla32 | 6 | ||||
6498 | -1 | RosezetEpihippus | 6 | ||||
6499 | -1 | Zielrist | 6 | ||||
6500 | -1 | pollyEM | 6 | ||||
6501 | -1 | Cirilla | 6 | ||||
6502 | -1 | smjs2706 | 6 | ||||
6503 | -1 | hamibex | 6 | ||||
6504 | -1 | Adogdad | 6 | ||||
6505 | -1 | amirus | 6 | ||||
6506 | -1 | Claireisse | 6 | ||||
6507 | -1 | KaRoo0117 | 6 | ||||
6508 | -1 | Flamingo | 6 | ||||
6509 | -1 | chitarra | 6 | ||||
6510 | -1 | Beanie97 | 6 | ||||
6511 | -1 | misswilson123 | 6 | ||||
6512 | -1 | xcharbeex | 6 | ||||
6513 | -1 | Daisy Pound | 6 | ||||
6514 | -1 | KandiKysses | 6 | ||||
6515 | -1 | RiverFae | 6 | ||||
6516 | -1 | SilentTears | 6 |