lottie3233's breeder ranking
The best breeders have succeeded in training many horses and making a lot of money from their activity, but they are not unbeatable.
This ranking is updated every night.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
Number of horses
Player | Number | ||||||
64 | = | Hephaistion | 8,316 | ||||
65 | = | helga. | 8,237 | ||||
66 | = | nutmeg123 | 8,042 | ||||
67 | = | King | 7,997 | ||||
68 | = | Lizzy | 7,980 | ||||
69 | = | l0nelysquid | 7,960 | ||||
70 | = | LookingForAlaska | 7,830 | ||||
71 | = | Jackymack50 | 7,723 | ||||
72 | = | Desiderata | 7,630 | ||||
73 | = | lottie3233 | 7,527 | ||||
74 | = | sss1 | 7,453 | ||||
75 | = | Puzzled | 7,427 | ||||
76 | = | storm2284 | 7,417 | ||||
77 | = | Eleyii | 7,358 | ||||
78 | = | Windsong | 7,331 | ||||
79 | = | Agust D | 7,324 | ||||
80 | = | Kindi0806 | 7,318 | ||||
81 | = | Meltemi | 7,260 | ||||
82 | = | Meadbuh | 7,225 | ||||
83 | = | RetRoRockstaR | 7,198 |