Currently looking for :

Unicorn Wanderers Spirit - Book Of Monsters(Yeti) - Catrina Brooch coats
BMI: Golden apple, Ma, Horn Of Plenty, Nyx Pack , Hera Pack And Philosophers Stone.



Please message me regarding the above sales before reserving.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle

How is the General Ranking score calculated?

The total skills of all yours horses + 1
The age of all your horses added together +1 raised to the power of 0.025
The total number of trophies you own +1 raised to the power of 0.05
Your seniority +1 raised to the power 0.01
Add together and times the answer by 2
Then divide by the number of horses you own +1 raised to the power of 0.2

So you can see the best way to increase your ranking is to increase the average skills of your horses. Having older horses and gaining trophies has a very small benefit as well.

Note: if you have more than 10,000 horses the 10,000 horses with the highest skills are used in the calculation.
If you are blupping a horse and need to get 20 wins/ fillers, name your blup 
Stands for: "Need Wins - Blupping - Assistance Appreciated" 

Means that if I see your blupping and need help getting 20 wins (NOT MORE THAN 20) that other players can look out for you or help you out by putting fillers in your competitions and that you appreciate the help, if players help you out, try and return the favour. This does not mean other's can't enter the same competition as your horse, this is simply to allow players without direct access to fillers, some help. If you want to ask other players to do same for you feel free to copy and paste this on your page. 

If you are interested in buying one of my horses, check my current sales. If a particular horse isn't there, it is not for sale.  

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. -Ayn Rand

What are the various ways of earning money?

Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.