If you blup a horse, please try to let the others know by, for example, give a name to this horse like "I'm blupping"because I don't always check the horses who are in a competition, so the name is important. ~ Thank you.a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

DON'T try to negotiate the price of a horse who's not negotiable.

My french account on 'Ouranos Equideow': Here
(I'm not as active as before in Equideow...I guess I prefer Howrse %3A%29_v1828806360.png)

I'm Aile,  french player with a terrible english xD ...
I love horses since I were 6 years old but I can't do horse riding (money moneyyyyy). But, more about my hobbies...Huh...I become a zombie when I see hamburgers xD_v1828806360.png ...Oh ! I watch some series like...(drum roll plz) The Walking Dead, Dr.House, Criminal Minds (it change from "La vengeance aux yeux bleus"), American Horror Story and more but I forget ,-, ...
I like to draw manga characters, horses, wolves etc.
I moved to this server because in the french server it's always "competitions" with no rest xD ! It's kind of boring as the time goes by. Even if it's the same game, Howrse is more relaxing :3 !
