Feel free to add me or message me.0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png Up for a chat most of the time to nowadays.
Adult player : 25 apparently.0-0
Interesting include : kpop, anime, gaming ( pc, consoles, arcade i'll play most things)
Mainly an RPG player Dragon Age and skyrim being at the top of the list followed by Mass effect.

Back and very much alive !!!!Or I could be a ghost hold on let me go check *walks into wall* nope still can't walk through it but my head now hurts.
 I am a very broken person who  is far from normal and had plenty of pain in life please dont add to it.
I'm pretty much all 4 of the main konosuba characters ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png 

Former Login Names:


Dusk Shadow