I'm an adult player, so if you're under the age of 16 please have your parents' permission and supervision when messaging me. 

Looking to buy Pieces of Clouds and Helios Rays for 30,000e per item. Just reserve for me in the exchanges and I'll pick them up!

piece of cloudrayon-helios_v1828806360.png

I will buy Pandora's Boxes for 30,000e each. Reserve them in the exchanges and I'll pick them up!

pandora's box

Looking for a Diamond Apple Horse, offering 1,000,000e and 20 passes!


**Legend are Recruiting!**

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Keen, motivated team players required for the best Akhal Teke group on UK Howrse. You must have experience of Blupping and be dependable and trustworthy. You must be willing to use Aging Points and Morpheus' Arms to Blup 1 Colt and 1 Filly per week as a minimum. Blups are recorded in this team and information on how to Blup a Teke with the fewest Aging Points can be provided if needed. Pass buying isn't necessarily needed, I myself don't buy passes so therefore a player with good item/aging point management is sufficient!

Interested? Please contact OhNo or kassandra to apply (h).png?1828806360

Have one of these Retired Coats and thinking of selling? Drop me a PM as I'm looking for them!



Thanks bay46(y).png?1828806360