Pestilentia Has anyone got one they wish to sell? I seem to have no luck whatsoever making one of my own
Looking for lady bug and bee companions. Good prices paid pm with offers if you have one of these companions
I will accept bm items in exchange for horses in my sales but not pandora boxes or black orchids I have far too many of those already
Please do not make silly offers of 10000e for bm items of single or multiple pass value. If I want to sell something I will put it in the exchanges. If I want to give it as a gift I will send it, if I want to reward someone for visiting my page I will put it up as a prize. Thankyou
I am not playing the game a lot at the moment, My real horse has had a wonderful colt foal and I am spending a lot of time looking after them. If you need a box in my EC please try and give me 24 hours notice so I can reserve it for you. I will also answer PMs when I see them
For details about the EC Requirements please read the EC page! free online photo editor