Hey all! My name is Gecko, I'm an adult player, this means there will be times I'm not around as much as I should be! I'm from the UK and currently am not in a position to have a horse of my own, one day though!
- Always looking to make new game connections, so just send a friends request and I will accept!!
- If you would like a cover from any horse or donkey just drop me a message and we can discuss :)
- - Just ask Pursuit Of Vikings ;) I do my best to get what you want in a quick time and a reasonable price!!
- If you see a horse, pony or even want a donkey then I am open to all trades, I reserve my right to not accept if it is a horse that I am currently working with or using to breed higher GPs
- If you are looking for a BMI I do have a reserve of many of the items so please drop me a message to see if I have one you would like :)