Hello and Welcome to my Howrse page! Thanks for visiting.

If it isn't for sale, then don't ask. All mares and stallions are open for a covering. If interested in one, just ask. If you want me to breed one of my mares to one of my stallions, just ask. I also sell BMIs, so ask for what you are looking for and I will tell you if I have that BMI or not. BMI prices are always negotiable depending on what the item is and if I have more than one of an item. I am also open to friend requests and gifts and if you need help with any Objectives. If I can help, I will.

Selling BMIs
X22 Ploutos Parchment = 15,000e 

x1 Hypnos Blanket = 35,000e 

X10 Philotes' Stroke = 15,000e 

X8 Croesus Fortune = 5,000e 

X12 Pandora's Box = 15,000e 

X11 Water of Youth = 15,000e 

X4 Helios Ray = 15,000e 

x6 Apollo's Lyre = 15,000e 

x2 Artemis' Arrow = 25,000e 

x1 Achilles Heel = 10,000e 

x7 Black Orchid = 25,000e

**Note: These prices for the BMIs are negotiable!

About Me

My name is Josephine, but I go by Jo or Josie, mostly by family and friends. I love love love LOVE horses, if you can't tell. LOL I live in Phoenix, Arizona, but I don't have horses of my own. My favorite breeds are: Fresian, Arabian, Lipizzaner, Appaloosa, Gypsy Vanner, Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Mustang, Peruvian Paso, Paso Fino, Lusitano, Akhal-Teke, Shagya Arabian, Irish Hunter, Paint Horse .... Pretty much, I love every horse and Pony alive today and in the past.

Personal Note:

Please do not take offense to anything I say. I am an animal lover and hate abusers. I have two dogs, Kallie and Cricket, whom my husband and I love very, VERY much. I would lay down my life to protect an animal, ANY animal. They have just as much right to living as we do.

Again, thanks for visiting my page!