I have recently returned after a long absence and will be selling a lot of my horses if you are interested feel free to pm me.
If your new don't feel afraid to ask for help as I'm always available to lend a hand.
If any teams are interested in recruiting please contact me

What I'm Buying;
All horses for  5000 equus
Immortal horses max. 40,000 equus

 Thanks to everyone  who  has been visiting  my  page I am happy to say that I am placed 9th in popularity  on the 09/07/15.
 708th in general  ranking and 25th in popularity on the 20th of August.
6th in popularity on the 7th of September and 629th general ranking.
General ranking best 595 :-))_v1828806360.png
Thank you so much 

Hello and welcome to my page I am ponylover777 and you have somehow stumbled onto my page.So I guess I should tell you about myself.
 I like Cookies,Horses,Art,History,Art,Music, and Polo's . I am an experienced howrse player and have been a member of many groups and teams over my time here. I am able to breed and blup horses relatively quickly but I often get distracted by the real world so I cannot say I am the fastest.  I have to say I am pretty proud of how much I have achieved in this game and have made many friends here that I will never forget. I will never be the best at the game but I hope someday I will become a member of one of the top ten teams. It is unlikely but you have to dream.
Enough with all that and back to serious business I am selling plenty of horses all the time and if one has caught your eye just PM me and I will see what I can do. I do have some horses with sentimental value but I may be able to sell them if I get a good offer.

Thank you for visiting have a great day
Currently selling some of my

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More Images To Come!
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