I am 23 years old, meaning I am an adult player; minors please be well aware of this as I may not respond to PM's in a friendly manor, I will still be as helpful as I can if you need assistance though (I've been playing this game for over 10 years now, so I do know a fair bit).
Looking for high GP shetties, any colour. paying upto 50 passes per horse or 75k equus (higher GP = higher price).
Also any companions that I don't already have; my horses with companions are named after their friend :) all duplicates I get I sell, keep an eye out if you're after any, or even PM and I will keep an eye out and we can help eachother via trades.
I am currently trying to obtain more coat trophies, so if you have any horses you no longer want I'll happily take them, as long as they're reasonable priced. DM me the name of the horse and the breeding farm so I can see them before you reserve the sale, this also lets me know of the sale so I wont miss it :)
I am also looking for pets/companions!
Follow my dog on instagram!