Trying to return all congratulations! 


Hi! Welcome! Thanks for clicking on my page! I'm Listophie! I don't have much to say, I like to be a bit more on the private side but I'll tell you all about my game. I don't have a particular breed I like to commit myself to, but I've had the most success with my Selle Francis horses. I'm trying to build up my competition force by breeding but its taking a lot longer than I thought it would - who knew breeding horses would be so time consuming.... I collect divines here and there, mainly just trying my luck in Titan's Challenges and Golden Fleece's.

If anyone has a Mars divine they'd be willing to offer their cover to, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


The Livery

Proud owner of the Livery Equestrian Centre.

 3*** English Tack provider as well as Ear Bonnets, Leg Wraps and Saddle Cloths 

3*** Box with shower and trough guaranteed, as well as flax bedding 

58e/mission with +29skills 

open to horses with skills over 7000 for 50e/night


the Livery's Gallop - min gallop: 3390 
the Livery's Trot - min trot: 3608 
the Livery's XC - min stamina: 3199.5 
the Livery's Show Jump - min jump: 3823.2 
the Livery's Dressage - min. dressage: 3760.4