Facts about me: 8-).png?1828806360

* an adult player from Latvia
* I'm female
* speaking latvian, russian, english and german
* passbuyer
* will accept all friend requests. Sometimes it helps to play game :-)
* basicly I work on TB unicorn breeding with team "Walks in the clouds" and Lippizzan unicorn breeding (team "Heart of Lipica"), but also (sometimes)  I like to blup French trotters
. Aaaand now - also member of fantastic team "Third Symphony" (nokotas) a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

TB unicorn team "Walks in the clouds" doesn't need new members. Thank you for your interest! (B).png?1828806360

Horses with gifts:
My Frost
My Topaz  Topaz  Topaz  Topaz  Topaz
My Xanthos

People with gifts: