Kryptonite is back! Savaria, malachibarrett158, and myself are working on bringing the top Knabstruppers back to Howrse. Kryptonite was one of the original UK server teams for the Knab breed when it first came out on Howrse, led by our very own Sav and storm2284 (yes, now a moderator).  Over time our original members parted ways for other endeavors and the few remaining stragglers and new ones turned to create Leopard Complex.

I have been off of both servers of Howrse for nearly a year to the date, and coming back decided that I wanted to pick up the Knabs again - and since LC is no longer actively breeding (for much the same reason that Kryptonite ended up disintegrating), I decided what better thing to do that pick up Kryptonite where it left off? Give it a new face, bring back some of the old members, and push the Knabs forward once again so that they are no longer stagnating where LC left them.  Sav, Malachi, and I are all returning Kryptonite members, and not Leopard Complex. Sav and I were there in the beginning; Malachi came quite a bit later.

Starting the summer of 2014: Look for Kryptonite affixes once again gracing the top of the UK Knabstrupper boards!

I raise horses...pixel horses. Horses I am proud of. Horses that I will sit down on the computer and hopefully watch do well. I'm tired of "They are ONLY pixels," when they actually are not. This is something that requires dedication, knowledge, desire to improve; it means sleepless nights, sadness sometimes, happiness, money and time involved. It's also where I have found some of my best friends, hiding until the time was right for me to find them. And I found them just when I would need them most. So remember before you tell an elite Howrse player that "its only a pixel horse":

This is not an easy job. This is a part of our lives.

Dum dah-dum dum DUM! Hello all, and welcome to my enormous and enchanting abode.  Please mind the right side of the wooden bridge, it's a bit creaky and prone to breaking.  Walk to the LEFT side.  Please also be aware that the castle is made of stone aged for thousands of years, so it might be a bit drafty.  We do attempt to plug and chink the holes to the best of our ability, but the dungeon renters only pay so much, you know?

I'm an American - and before you think one more thought about lazy couch potato southern hicks, please realize I am not, nor ever will be one of them.  I account myself as an unconventional woman by any standards, and the stereotypical American ones are no exception. I am an elite breeder back on International, and have several extremely close UK friends; hence my presence here.  I'm a year out of school and into the adult world, graduated from an all-women's college (university for all you Europeans) as an English Writing major with concentrations in Biology and Studio Art.  I am currently writing my first full-length fictional novel, which centers around the fusion of science, magick, and gaming. I hope someday it will be turned into a movie (assuming I ever finish it) but in lieu of that I'll take some scarily devoted fans that love my characters and world with as much crazed passion as I do.

I currently work as a full-time contract employee for a marketing company, working computer graphics for them, and also part-time at the local farm feed and service store. I raise and show nationally-competitive rabbits.  And yup, that job pays for and gets me a discount on my animal supplies and feed, so put that eyebrow back down, all ye mutterers, and shush. Critters are damn expensive. I'll take any help on that front that I can get!

If you wish to speak with me, please note:
In lieu of a mouth, only open your browser window to your Howrse mailbox if you're going to take the time to make a good impression. This means complete sentences, intellectually stimulating conversation, at least one paragraph's worth of your time, sincerity, gentleman- and lady-like behavior, and correct spelling grammar and punctuation, please. No chat speak, no numerical language, English-only please.  No, my horses are not for sale.  No, they will not offer covers to you.  No, you may not have any money, passes, or BM items from me for free.  Yes, you may have an apple for your horse; but no, I will not go and seek out 20 horses every day to feed apples to, so good luck on me actually feeling benevolent and going and doing so even if you ask.

