Va'esse deireadh aep eigean, va'esse eigh faidh'ar

something ends, something begins.

Hi! im an adult player, my name's Kate and i played howrse many years ago on russian server and my first acc was lost :( 

my english is not so good, cause my native language is russian, but im trying to talk better and i will be glad to communicate with someone here2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582022630.png 

horses are my passion of whole life, im a showjumper equestrian irl :)
so i also love The Witcher books and games very much, that's why my name here and names of horses are like that

1. collect different horses 
- riding horses
- riding pegasus
- riding uni
- winged riding uni
- pony
- uni pony
- pegasus pony
- winged uni pony
- donkey
- winged donkey
- donkey unicorn
- winged donkey unicorn
- draught horse
- draught Pegasus
- draught unicorn
- winged draught unicorn

2. breed Selle Français horses for my aen elle breeding farm (maybe)
 my rankings:
popularity 1st (23+24+26+27.03.2024+09.04.2024)