Thanks for taking a look at my layout! I'm a mature female player from the UK, returning to Howrse after many many years. I used to breed competitively, maintaining the top GP Welsh ponies. I’m open to joining a team of ADULT players, in Selle Francais, TB’s, Nokota, or maybe even Welshies again. Right now I’m having fun getting back into the game raising skillers & impatiently waiting for my cows to make me rich :)
                                                                                                            I work full time so life is pretty hectic, but in my spare time I love to ride my real-life horse, play beatsaber VR, and spend as much time out in nature as possible. I'm a passionate animal lover and plant-based eater/ vegan, and a Leo zodiac sign. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I’m an original, starting on Howrse back in 2007! I bred the best Welshies on the game from the ancient 350 GP (!!) with the affix of NR Welsh Stud (foundation of the Future Perfection/ Absolute Perfection lines). I originally found the game through the NewRider forum & would Love to connect with any of the old crew from those days :)

03/04/21 3rd skiller (TB) fully trained & no 8 BEST HORSES RANK! - SwiftWind -
31/03/21 2nd skiller  (TB) fully maxed & no 27 BEST HORSES RANK! - RiotGrrl -
29/03/21 1st Skiller (TB) fully trained! - Who Runs the World -
29/03/21 1st Skiller (Selle Francais) fully maxed on UK server! Check him out