Helloo, welcome to my page 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

Another returning player here, after maybe 10yrs!? It's sure been a while! I'm British but have been living in Belgium for the past few years... I used to go riding a lot with my mum in the English countryside, I loved it.

I'm a huge lover of, well everything about nature! Mountains, lakes, countryside, animals, forests.. you name it. Its all very beautiful and peaceful!

Feel free to PM me if you need anything (within reason of course), 

I'm happy to help where possible. I accept friend requests, and try to congratulate back too.

I hope you have a great day/night!

For possible goodies:

Stroke XanthosI - II - III - IV - V

Congratulate TopazI - II - III - IV - V

Defrost Frost:  I


Please note I use auto-comp for nearly all my horses, I enter a lot 
per day and don't have the time to check every single one! If I go over your blup, it 
was not intentional - you can message me (politely) and I'll help fill:)