
Just another horsey girl in a Howrse world 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

Feel like I'm getting my bearings but I'm looking to grow my Friesian Family once I completed the horse collection trophies. I am also looking to breed and collect more of the uncommon Howrse breeds that I haven't seen in the Auction and that are not bred that often. I will be happy to collaborate. 

I will be happy to receive any messages and friend requests from anyone who is wanting to start boosting the uncommon breeds; To start I want to get these four breeds into the 10,000 :  3rd August 2020 

37 Camargue 9,597  

38 Barb 9,377  

39 Marwari 9,157  

40 Newfoundland Pony 5,496

13th October 2020 

37 Marwari 10,615  

38 Camargue 10,550  

39 Barb 9,724  

40 Newfoundland Pony 6,004 


 I will try to congratulate everyone back and congratulate as many as I can when I have a nosey around your pages especially when we are in a bidding war, enjoy those little rushes of adrenaline into the seconds. 


 Any hints or tips will be greatly appreciated  a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png