Hi, Back after long break where my pony had a foal!!!! But anyway I try to return all congratulations and except all friend requests, I breed thoroughbred's and am new to breeding donkey's and Purebred Spanish Horse unicorn's and I'm trying to start breeding Percheron's. I try to be as nice as I can to everyone and like to help where I can and I really do mean that because this is supose to be fun and when things get hard I find it can be not very fun, so thanks for taking the time to read this :) 

All sales negotiable!!!

And if anyone has some tips on BULPing a horse I'm all ears!!!! It's impossible!

a bit about about myself: I'm 16 years old i live in ireland, i used to ride really competitively and traveled all over ireland competing in showjumping compotitions with my ponies but have stopped in recent years. I still have one of my ponies Shapphire but I sold my other pony Rose, i miss her so so much! Shapphire and Rose were both connemara's ( the best breed of pony EVER!!!). I think that just about covers it, if you have any questions at all please dont be afraid to ask. :)