High GP Selle Francais in my sales (see bottom of page)! Some prices are negotiable!


Seeking and Selling

Looking for:

Selle Francais coverings over 10700GP, willing to pay a very good price!

Akhal Teke Unis with over 3000GP, PM me with offers!

Always looking for ageing points!


Most of my horses are for sale for the right price, PM me with reasonable offers, don’t be upset if I turn you down!

Breeding Donkeys and Percherons, if you would like to reserve a current or future foal please PM me!


I sell coverings for most of my stallions (excluding donkeys and draughts), PM me and we can sort out a price!

10th in Popularity 20/05/20
Bred my first Uni 21/05/20
5th in Popularity 24/05/20
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