HI Howrse players 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png

there is not much to say about me ,855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.png
the main horses I breed on howrse are:
Gypsy Vanners, Drum horses and well just draught horses                P.S PLEASE EXCUSE
                                                                                                                                 53668fab6fc0973bbddb7e183ed221b4.png                                                                                                         MY SPELLING!

My favourite breed of horse in reality is a Clydesdale and Highlands. I love them but my horse now is a dun mini cob we call him because we don't know all of his breeding and he literally looks like a MINI COB! 

if you congratulate me i will try and do it back x
I hope you have a great day 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

Kind Regards