I'm 27 years old. I live in the UK for all my life. I have a horse called solaman but loaned out because of my mental health. 2019-2020 I went to college and study art and design level 3 and managed to get 6 distinctions along with 5 merits. Never thought I would do that well and really proud of myself. 2022-2023 a degree in 3D and Animation and passed level 4.
Howrse game
Been playing howrse off and on since 2007 on international. However came to the UK sever in 2017 and has become my favourite server. Im in teams and met some really nice people along the way who I call really good friends and they know who they are and it's nice as they understand and we support each other though whatever gets thrown our way.
reach 3k horses*
Become in top 100 in general rankings*
get back to 13 Million * get all my trophy coats in GA /RC/Immortal
* have all breeds over 10kGP (ALMOST DONE)