Wind Divine Strategy

Obtained Libonotus in the flash salesdefault smiley <:o)
However, I am somewhat clueless as to how the wind divines work.
I've heard vague things about using a WoY as they stop offering gifts at 3100 years old, and also something about only working them when the wind speed/direction is high.

Any advice?default smiley :)
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add heel, WoY, stroke and i personally only bed down if they give more then 8 points on the meter otherwise its a waste as they do only give gifts for 100 years default smiley (y)
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I only work them when wind strength is +5, +6 or +7

I add philotes stroke, water of youth, achilles heel, Kairos dial and croesus fortune. The KD and CF allow you feed fodder and oats one at a time without running out of time in the horses day while increasing your chances of getting extra energy from the CF.

The work schedule i use is roughly: groom, ride one hour, carrot then feed the fodder and oats one at a time until enough energy to ride 2 hours (approx 81%). Then stroke twice, drink and mash. Then feed the remaining fodder and oats one at a time. When/if you reach over 95% energy, ride 1 hour then continue feeding one at a time. Repeat if you manage to reach 95% energy again. Then do 2 hours rides. If you have the fountain you can always get 5 hours of rides in and sometimes 6 per day doing it this way. I think I managed 7 rides on 1 Monday when I had the rainbow divine perk and got very lucky with extra energy while feeding.

If you use all the energy then remember to bed them before creating a storm. However, if you only needed to do 1 ride to complete the meter, do not bed them so you do not lose a month of going within the 3100year earning limit.

Hope that helps!
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